Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Marriage Update


“I SLAPPED A DEMON, NOT MY WIFE” – was the spontaneous comment that proceeded out of the mouth of a young man who allegedly slapped his wife for speaking so profusely and unstoppably to the negative reputation of her husband in the public. At a point, when her husband was no longer able to control himself, he released a heavy slap on her face. So, when the matter became an issue for him to defend himself and answer questions coming from everybody “why he should slap his wife!”
Spontaneously and unconsciously, he replied – “I SLAPPED A DEMON, NOT MY WIFE!”
There comes a time when some people loan certain parts of their lives and bodies to demon for use. But far be it from a sane husband to slap his wife, even when she has unwittingly given her mouth to the demons for use for a reason. If you ever slap  your wife for whatever reason, even if you saw a physical “DEMON” speaking through her, that time you have demonstrated temporary “MADNESS”,  because only a mad man can slap himself.
Remember that you are one with your wife – she is bone of your bone and flesh of your flesh, she is not a demon, and can never be; except you turn her to be one! The Bible recommends that we deal with them according to knowledge, otherwise we’ll misbehave and our prayers will be hindered. Slapping your wife is not the answer – If you discover that your wife has suddenly become a ready instrument in the hand of the devil, you have the following weapons at your disposal that instance – Be discerning, understanding and patiently pray for her (cast out the demon responsible).
It is a spiritual matter – the weapon of your warfare that time is not meant to be carnal – Pray, Pray, Pray and Pray again for her – because: “PRAYER CHANGES THINGS” – Stop and Pray!

Monday, June 1, 2015



Mr. Pronounced Mister Meaning  M - My R - Responsibility = "My Responsibility"
Mrs. Pronounced Misses Meaning M - My R - Right S - Surrendered = "My Right Surrendered" (Pst. Nwaogu).
To all the married and about-to, know that that woman his your responsibility and woman you are to surrender all about you to that man.



"If a child of God marries a child of the Devil, such child of God is sure to have some trouble with his father-in-law (Devil), so is to avoid marring from the devilish home and family, if you don't want to have satan as your father-in-law.